Why am I discouraged? Why so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
I will praise him again —
my Savior and my God!

I read a story about an elderly widow eager to serve Christ, but because of her age she was restricted from activities. She prayed and realized that she could bring a blessing to others by playing the piano. She advertised, "Pianist will play hymns by phone for those who are sick and downhearted – the service is free." When people called, she’d ask, "What hymn would you like to hear?" Within a few months, her free service had brought cheer and encouragement to several hundred people. Sounds too silly to be true, but it's true! Praise the Lord for those gifts you have and use those very gifts, no matter how small, to serve the Lord. You'll be encouraged along with the others impacted by your service.

1 comment:
Its pretty crazy how it works u know?
I think about that sometimes, because i cant do alot because my parents wont let me (its a diff story) but i want to serve Christ all my life, but i find it hard when i cant go places or do things, u know?
but i gotta learn to be everything i can, i gotta find my gift, no matter how small, itll make a diff
idk if neone will see this, but email me
itd be nice to talk to u guys
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