If we confess our sins,
he is faithful and just
to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness.

Supreme Court records tell us that Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, in a 1998 dissenting opinion said that the, “Scrutiny of another's trash is contrary to commonly accepted notions of civilized behavior. A search of trash, like a search of the bedroom, can relate intimate details about health and personal hygiene... as well as financial and professional status, political affiliations and inclinations, private thoughts, personal relationships and romantic interests.” God would love to clean out all the garbage that we've personally accumulated in our lives. However, because of the free will He has granted us, He won’t intrude on our right to choose what we accumulate, whether or not it may or may not be garbage. You have to choose to take out your own garbage and He’ll be just and faithful to cleanse us from all the dirt that's left behind with the blood of the Lamb. It's your choice and He'll faithfully be there for you when you make your decision. All you have to do is decide and choose.
Amen...Thats why we need to take out our Trash everyday and ask for forgiveness...thx pjunds...God Bless everyone
"God didn't create junk" nor garbage. "Dirt" left behind will be cleansed by Jesus' blood." I'm not judging you, but you seriously need psychiatric help. Your words remind me of the sociopath serial killer movie where he say "mama, told me to kill girls like you". "Inspired Living" - I don't know who your inspiration was, but it was certainly not God.
marydare is an idiot.
wow. marydare causing trouble here, too! lol!!! i found the entry to be quite good. as for psychiatric help... geez... you should see some of the stuff that SHE'S written on the ccm site. there's this one time that so many people voted negatively for her that it was embarrassing. keep up the good work and ignore the dummies. some people are just a bunch of self righteous jerks.
we have to choose the right path and decide.
Marydare i'm sure people here cares for you :) Just a piece of advice from the Chinese proverbs remember that "He that throweth mud loses ground"
"Idiot", self-righteous jerk", dummy that's certainly in keeping with Jesus' teachings. "Making trouble, here too." Am I a trouble maker because I don't want to see Jesus' message of love twisted like so many Christians and Catholics do. I still say when speaking of God's creations, do not refer to garbage, trash and dirt. We are Perfect in God's image. Don't worry, I won't visit your Xtian site again. I prefer to surround myself with people who love Jesus.
i still can't stand what marydare wrote about christian metal music not being a blessing on ccm a few weeks back. ugh. what an idiot.
Hi Marydare,
Don't leave, as I read the devotional, the garbage was not referring to GOD'S creation but rather to the bad things the people did because they did not obey what Jesus told them to do. I'm glad you love Jesus, the bible says 1 John 5:3 (NLT) "Loving God means keeping his commandments, and really, that isn't difficult."
regarding marydare, it's probably best if she doesn't come back. seriously, she's famous for sticking not just her foot in her mouth on ccm, but her whole leg. it's just like any church... there's ALWAYS a troublemaker. as a pastor, i saw nothing wrong with the write up. in fact, regarding God creating garbage... didn't he create us??? isn't our "righteousness that of a filthy rag"? i tell you without hesitation that i'm filled with all sorts of trash and that without Jesus' i'd be lost lost lost. as i CHOOSE to get rid of my bad thoughts, my prejudgements, my self-righteous behavior, etc, etc, etc... Jesus is able to fill me with the right stuff. if i'm psychotic for believing this, then GREAT, let me be psychotic!!!
In Christ,
Pastor James Kim
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