When we were controlled by our old nature,
sinful desires were at work within us,
and the law aroused these evil desires that
produced sinful deeds, resulting in death.

How would you know if what you were doing was right or wrong? Some situations are really easy to determine, but others can be really tough. Because of this difficulty, some may say that truth is “relative” to the situation. It's even possible that whatever passes as a proper practice in one culture could be deemed wrong in another culture. Paul writes in Romans 7:25, “Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God's law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin.” Jesus Christ is the truth and the life according to John 14:6, therefore making His word the standard for truth. If you know the Truth and are obedient to Him, you will not fall into your old sinful nature. When it comes to Jesus, the truth is never "relative" because His truth is absolute.
So true. SO many of us even as Christians have things in our life that grab for our attention or slowly try to change the beliefs that we have in Christ. When we allow ourselves to be inundated with the messages of the society around us it becomes easy to start believing that things we know to be sin are ok. "After all why would God give us desires if they are not to be pursued." We just have to remember not all desires come from God, no matter how deeply ingrained or true & heartfelt they may be. Our final test has to be the Word of God & our relationship with Him. Do our lives truly bring others closer to Him or are they more about fulfilling what makes us happy & content.
i am going through something right now at my church where one of the leaders really portrays a "righteousness", but i've come to realize it's just a "surface mask". for as long as i've known him, his wife talks back to him in public, his daughters don't respect him and he's definitely not wearing the pants in house. his youth group has dwindled to maybe 5 active teens. this past sunday, there were just 3 teenagers in his sunday school, which isn't far off from the 6 or 7 that's been attending the last year or so. (keep in mind, my church is over 100 hundred years old and is a staple of the community). this devotional hit home because i can really see that his "version" of the truth is that whenever something goes wrong it's always someone else's fault or the "situation" wasn't right. i've now heard the excuses for over 2 consecutive years. only God can open this person's eyes. Jesus' absolute truth is needed. i won't write his name here, but if you pray for him, God will know who you're praying for.
yes.... we people are very sinful.. and sometimes we think that everything we desire if from God.. but its not... you have to base on the world of God... WWJD?!?!? sometimes we think that its okay to do sin because God will forgive us... but we're not letting the people the right message we should show them. it's like the story of a dad, his sons wanted to watch some movie that is inappropriate for them. the dad said we'll talk about it tomorrow. the morning came and the dad baked some cookies, it was made from the finest cocoa powder and it was moist and chocolaty?!?!? the sons loved it... they asked what kind of ingredients was ti made out from,,, he told them the ingredients..... and at the end he added a tiny pinch of dog poop?!??! the boys was shocked... thats what the message its all about. we are feeding our minds things that we think is okay but.... theres a catch.. and we should look at things base on the world of GOd?!?!?!? amen?!?!
If we are deeply rooted in God's Word, we will always know the truth from lies. Just like knowing the real dollar from a fake one. even if it looks like the real one, an expert can detect its fakeness.
when it comes to decision making, let us not be in the middle trying to compromise. It is more evil to stay in the middle.
Rev. 3:16 (NIV)
So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
God hates it.
As christian we have spiritual discernment, the Holy Spirit tells us when something is right and if it is wrong. Its a still small voice guiding us. Just ask for the illuminating of the Holy Spirit to guide your path, to come into you heart and give you confidence in life, and in your mind to keep your focus on God and not on sinful nature. A good book to read on your spiritual walk with God is Dr. Jeremiah's book God in You, it teaches you things you never knew about and he backs it up with a scripture. check it out!
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