Delirious, I chattered like a swallow or a crane,
and then I moaned like a mourning dove.
My eyes grew tired of looking to heaven for help.
I am in trouble, Lord. Help me!

Have you ever been in such deep trouble that you felt it might be the end of everything? King Hezekiah of the Old Testament was in the prime of his life when he became deathly sick. His power, popularity, money and everything else under his power were useless and couldn’t bring healing. He was tired, dying and had exhausted everything he had to get better. He realized that the only One who'd be able to heal and lead him out of his troubles was the Lord. You might have everything going in your life at the moment, and you may even feel that you don’t need God right now, but you really ought to start thanking Him for all the blessings you have because the time may come that you’ll go through what King Hezekiah experienced. God will again be the only one left to help you after you exhaust all of your possibilities. If you're a believer you shouldn't be afraid because He'll always be there for you in your time of need.
"If you're a believer you shouldn't be afraid because He'll always be there for you in your time of need."
I agree.
Seriously? Yes! God is there every time I have needed. And, He still is...
god's always there for us :]
thank god :D
It is so nice and simply but sometimes we forget it!HE is always there for us!
God will always be there in my time of need and will always be.
This reminds me about the story of the Footprints in the Sand.
i was suicidal 2 years ago. my parents got divorced, my boyfriend's friends raped me and i became pregnant not even knowing who the father was. all i had left was God. God became my daddy when i needed Him the most. when i called out to him, He came. call out to Jesus. He'll give you His peace. He did it for me, He'll do it for you.
simone jarvis
This is my first comment to this blog. I just wanted you to know that I really love this devotional. I found it through (ccm rocks my socks off!) and I even use the devotionals to build bible studies for my church youth group. Keep up the good work!!!
MotorMike from Vegas
growing closer to Him `& with my walk i realize that everything belongs to Him `& that all the glory should be to Him so no one can boast. everything in this life is temporary... we should all aim for eternity & not what this world has to offer... we are here to serve not to be serve.
thank you P.juns.
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