You do not even know what will happen tomorrow.
What is your life? You are a mist that appears
for a little while and then vanishes.

A doctor that had been desperately trying to contact one of his patients was finally able to speak with the man via phone. The doctor told his patient, “I have the results of your tests. Which do you want to hear first: the bad news or the very bad news?" His patient responded, "Well, I guess I'll take the bad news first." With that the doctor replied, "Well the bad news is, you have only 24 hours to live." His patient in a state of shock asked, "24 hours to live? That's horrible! What could be worse than that? So what's the very bad news?" The doctor replied, "I've been trying to contact you since yesterday." It’s a really silly story, but the Bible tells us that our lives are like a mist appearing and vanishing. Let’s be real about the fact that your life can end at any point because life is short. Because life is short, you need to be ready for whatever tomorrow brings by entrusting your life to God. He knows your story, He knows what you really need and He's an expert at everything.
"He knows your story, He knows what you really need and He's an expert at everything." That's awesome. I'm gonna remember that!
life is short so take advantage of your time that you're alive!!! don't get caught up in the hype of elections, sports, wars, entertainment and, dare i say... CHURCH DRAMA!!! get yourself straight with God and Jesus, get to know the Holy Spirit personally. once you do that, live life to the fullest and be a shining light for God's work in you!!!
i'm going to be 59 this year. life IS short. trust me. i know. i can still remember being 16 years old like it happened yesterday. funny thing... lbj was president when i was born. lol! anyhow, get right with God and live your life to the fullest. the clock is ticking and you really NEVER know when your time's up. i've been to so many funerals of people that i just weren't sure if they were saved. don't make that mistake!!!!!! keep up the great work and to the boys at CCM - keep rocking and rolling for God! you have no idea how many people are being moved by this work!
don't put your trust in tomorrows but put your trust IN GOD and His promise.
GOD bless!!!
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