Don't harden your hearts against him
as Israel did when they rebelled, when
they tested God's patience in the wilderness.

In his letter to the Hebrews, Paul reminds Christians of past mistakes made by the chosen generation of God. They had rebelled against and disobeyed Him on their way to the Promised Land, and the consequences were pretty harsh because not a single one of the original Israelites who had come out of Egypt were allowed to set foot upon the Promised Land. Philosopher George Santayana said, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” By learning from the Bible, you can break the chain of repetition and move onto glory. Believe, learn and obey the Word of God. Trust all of His promises. Do not harden your heart and never doubt Him if you want to touch and see the blessings God has meant for your life. Always be mindful of your actions because you may not even realize that you're being rebellious or disobedient.
hard heart... wow... i just got owned by that.
amen. thank you sir for posting this
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