Joseph named his second son Ephraim, for he said,
"God has made me fruitful in this land of my suffering.

This story is just too good to be true, yet it's true. Joseph was sold by his brothers to become a slave. Later, he was charged with a crime that he never commit and was imprisoned. Throughout all of this, his faith in God remained steady and he never violated the commands of God. It seemed impossible for him to get out of prison, but God still made a way. Not only was he released, but in due time he became the prime minister of the Egypt. More than half of his life was spent in the school of hard knocks, but every time he passed his tests, the Lord promoted him. Don't question what God has promised in the light as you pass through the night. You can still be fruitful in the darkness and the land of suffering.
Thanks P. Jundy
thank you P.Juns for devoting yourself to God `& to the youth. :] God bless you `& Mama Joy `& the lil ones.
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