Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do,
do it with thy might.

Campbell Aird, a hotel owner in Scotland, has one of the most advanced artificial arms in the world. The Guinness of Book of World Records labeled him, “The Man With Bionic Arm.” Aird’s artificial limb is controlled by a motor and gears located in his upper arm. ABC News reported that, “Campbell does not get any ‘feedback’ from his arm to his brain. Our hands contain three main nerves, two major arteries and 27 different bones. Even simple movements involve the co-ordination of up to 60 different muscles. There are 2,500 nerve receptors in each square centimeter of the fingertips, so it is extremely difficult for an artificial hand to give its recipient anything like the sensation of touch.” Isn’t it amazing how God designed our arms and hands, and for that matter, our entire body! Man is a precision engineering masterpiece with all of the layers of systems working perfectly together. It’s for this reason that the wise King Solomon said, “Anything you do, do with all your might,” because God made you fully loaded for whatever challenges lay in front of you.

ONE body.
only works UNITED.
amen... so amazing?!?!?
As always you were amazing....God Bless, Caroline (Miss Allan)
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