Anyone who claims to know all the answers
doesn't really know very much.
But the person who loves God
is the one God knows and cares for.

If you think you've got all the answers, think again. The truth of the matter is that you can’t have all the answers because man is limited. Only God can be all knowing and for this reason the Apostle Paul taught that, “a person who loves God is the one that God cares for.” It’s believed that Augustus Caesar had given a gift to someone and that the recipient was so overwhelmed with the gift’s magnitude that he replied, “This is too great a gift for me to receive.” With a quick reply, Caesar said “But it is not too great a gift for me to give.” Don’t ever be satisfied with what you have and what you can do because God can do even more with you and He can certainly give more blessings to you.

wow & AMEN!
Thank you Pastor Jundy!
God bless!
this guy is just amzing. reading this everyday makes me think a lot about GOd and how blessing he is with me... thank you so much and God bless you
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