Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again.”

There was a single week where I attended two funerals. Two mothers had passed away leaving their children as orphans. It’s amazing how the children received this sad event in their lives with two different types of attitudes and perspectives. One set of children were saved believers and they received their mother’s passing with loneliness, but with hope because of the promise of heaven. On the other hand were a set of unsaved children crying at their mother’s death bed without the hope of heaven, feeling that they would never see their mom again. Interestingly, there is an African Christian tribe that never says that their dead “Have died in the Lord.” Rather, they joyfully say that their dead “Have arrived!” Have you made sure that you're most precious loved ones are heading to heaven if they should pass?

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