Moreover, when God gives any man
wealth and possessions, and enables him
to enjoy them, to accept his lot and
be happy in his work - this is a gift of God.

Have you truly considered the reality that Ecclesiastes 5:19 is teaching us? There is nothing in your possession that was actually created by you. Although you’ve worked for your home, car, money or possessions, you have these things because you have a God-given life to do so. It’s fair to argue that if you’re benefiting from something without working for that thing, it’s because somebody has already done the work for you. On the other hand if you don’t believe that God created you, but rather that you evolved from animals then this would be a very difficult concept to understand. King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 26:11, “As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.” The Bible teaches that you were created by God and that He has given you everything to enjoy your life. Don’t be a fool and believe differently.

AMEN! Thank you Pastor Jundy! God bless!
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