A wise youth works hard all summer;
a youth who sleeps away the
hour of opportunity brings shame.

Time is one of the most important assets that all people have equality with. Opportunity rides upon the ebb and flow of time, which explains why when a unique opportunity is gone, it’s likely gone forever. Two types of thoughts about opportunities are: “That’s the person I used to be”; or “That’s the person I could’ve been.” In Proverbs 10:5, King Solomon reminds us to watch out for every opportunity that God gives us, to work on those chances and to refrain from “sleeping in” or “sleeping on it”. After all, an opportunity lost because of laziness is worthy only of shame. Have you ever lost a chance at achieving or obtaining something because of laziness?

thanks pjunds :]
Amen. I totally agree w/ this blog. It reminds me of another verse:
Ephesians 5:15-16
Be very careful, then, how you live -- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Thank you for another inspiring blog =]
Very true. God always wants us take every opportunity offered to us by Him & use it to glorify His name.
yes, AMEN :]
thank you pjunds!
Take each opportunity you can get.
thanks Pastor Jundy
God made time so everything won't clash together. We should use our time wisely.
amen! we either live our lives to fast or sleep. nevertheless we miss the opportunity God has given us. now we just look at the opportunity as it passes. Instead of gazing at it, we should wake up and work because the time is drawing near and every single minute is a minute closer to death. so give you self a wake up slap and start living and sharing=]
ztank youh!
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