It is God's will that your
good lives should silence those who
make foolish accusations against you.

Your best arguments in life are going to be things you've achieved and accomplished. Ultimately, your walk will always speak volumes louder than your talk. Many times I've been asked, “What’s the difference between what you believe and my religion?” My answer has always been that once you're in Christ, you become a new creation - and that is quite an accomplishment. Larry McKenzie, a poster child in the fight against polio, became an inspiration to millions as he shared his Christian testimony everywhere he went. Of his travels he said, “I've met many famous people on my tour such as the President of the United States, the chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and others, but I think often about the time I'll meet the Lord Jesus, and until then I really want to serve Him any way I can.” Larry's disability actually became a demonstration of a good walk in Christ. Talking only goes so far, so let your walk be a demonstration of a good life in Christ. Is your walk today one that's obviously in Christ?

The best testimony is your life. Once the people see that change, they will open their eyes and heart to the Lord. "I am who I am today because of Jesus Christ."
Actions speak louder than words.
GOD Bless!
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