All these events happened to them as
examples for us. They were written down
to warn us, who live at the time
when this age is drawing to a close.

In 1 Corinthians 10:11, Paul reminds us about the mistakes people have made in the past and the purpose of those mistakes. I recently read about a famed criminal lawyer and self-proclaimed atheist dying upon his deathbed who called for clergymen from three different types religious institutions. He said to them, “Gentlemen, I have written and spoken many things against God and churches during my lifetime. Now, I wished that I hadn’t! Now I realize it is entirely possible that I may have been wrong. So I should like to ask a final favor that each one of you intercede for me with the Almighty.” This was his final appeal and a last ditch effort to learn from his past. We all need to learn from our past before it’s too late. At the end, God will always be your best possible partner. Have you learned at all from the mistakes of your past?

I have always been ashamed of my past life. It has been really hard to take it in. Every time I look at the past I shiver. I always see it as if I am not worthy at all to be forgiven. But we all know that God himself is all-forgiving. Many people have done worst things and many people in this world will not accept or forgive them for what they have done. That is the beauty of God's grace. He will forgive you no matter what. He will accept you as long as you let Him stay inside your heart.
Isaiah 1:18
"Come now, let us argue this out," says the LORD. "No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you are stained as red as crimson. I can make you as white as wool."
So remember, if you feel that you do not feel worthy of his forgiveness, He will wait for you and help you out as long as you go to him.
GOD BLESS pjuns! thnx for this great devotional.
amen !!!
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